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What to do if your basement has issues with dampness

If your house has a basement mainly used for storage purposes rather than as a living space, it is likely that Damp could penetrate the basement walls and promote the growth of mould and fungi while causing rotting floorboards and blistering wall paper at the same time. In time, the air quality of the basement could be affected and result in various health issues if given the opportunity to spread to the rest of the house. If your cellar is being used to hold food items, this could cause even more serious problems to you and your family’s health. 

First of all, it is necessary to take a good look around your cellar to identify if there is a problem of any kind. Take a good look around the basement, does the air feel musty and moisture laden? Move all furniture and paraphernalia from the walls towards the middle of the room and inspect the walls for any signs of moisture. If the walls feel cold and somewhat wet to the touch, if your wall paper has blisters and air bubbles and has come loose in places and if there’s any discolouration and visible mould, you could be in need of Damp Proofing. Take a few photographs of the symptoms to show to a suitable service provider and start hunting for one. 

There are many companies specializing in the field of water proofing and Basement Tanking to choose from and most of them are easily contactable through the internet. Once you have selected a good service provider, it is necessary to decide on a suitable method to carry out the project.

Show the photographs or arrange for the contractor to visit your basement before making any solid decisions and commitments. Contact your landlord to find out if suitable precautions to prevent moisture penetration have been taken any time after or during the construction stage. It would help to have a plan of your house ready with you to make finding out rates and to calculate the cost easier for the contractor. Settle on a suitable method to suit your requirement and budget and make arrangements to carry out the project immediately to avoid further complications.

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